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“When people ask me if I went to film school I tell them, ‘no, I went to films.” - Quentin Tarantino



Let's Get Physical: Film Curation, Restoration and the Shelf Life of Cinema

Broadway Cinema, Nottingham, May 8th - July 10th 2024

Past/Sold Out:

Old Hollywood: Tough Guys and Mad Dames

Broadway Cinema, Nottingham, July 4th 2024


Hollyweird: Old Oddities & New Nightmares of La La Land

Broadway Cinema, Nottingham, October 9th - December 11th 2023

Old Hollywood: The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful

Broadway Cinema, Nottingham, May 10th - July 12th 2023

Excess Hollywood: America and Capitalist Cinema

Broadway Cinema, Nottingham, January 11th - March 15th 2023

New Hollywood: America and the Birth of Modern Cinema

Broadway Cinema, Nottingham, October 4th - December 6th 2022

Far East on Film

Broadway Cinema, Nottingham, May 9th - July 11th 2022

Not Just for Kids: An Alternative Look at Animation

Broadway Cinema, Nottingham, October 6th - December 8th 2021

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Rich Pieces © Rich Johnson, 2020

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